Reiki, Massage, Sound Healing with My Happy Body

What are the Yamas and Niyamas?

Most of us in the Western world when attending a generic Yoga class might have certain expectations. Sun salutations for example, the warrior poses, an inversion and maybe a longer held stretch to wind down before a few minutes in Savasana. How far removed this is...

The most precious currency…

The most precious currency…

The most precious currency... What greater gift is there to give to yourself, or to your loved ones, than the gift of time. It's November 1st and I am dumbstruck as to where this year has gone. Flown, is an understatement! And while time going quickly has some pros...

Why is inertia sometimes so delicious?

Why is inertia sometimes so delicious?

Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same. That's why pain so often precedes the most wonderful journeys. And if the desire to change is just a background murmur that crops up every now and then, but comfort outweighs the murmur....then...

The Power of Repetition

The trouble with a bad habit is that it’s so engrained in our minds to think/speak/behave a certain way that it has become mindless. As automatic as brushing your teeth in the morning or putting on your underwear before your jeans (I have that one down for the most...

And breathe…

And breathe…

As we come to the end of another lunar cycle this evening, I've realised that this year the full moon has marked some beautiful memories for me. The first was the first of the year on our New Beginnings retreat in West Lexham where for the first time I saw the moons...

When a Strength is also a Weakness

When a Strength is also a Weakness

When a strength is also a weakness So after a rollercoaster start to the year, it's now July and I'm taking 5 to reflect. Such is life that sometimes we end up in situations we never could've foreseen. What I had planned for myself is absolutely NOT what was planned...

It is because we WILL die, that we MUST live…

It is because we WILL die, that we MUST live…

If our planet had a human's heart... I'm pretty sure it would be breaking right now. Our world is full of turbulence. Of hideous stories of cruelty and suffering. And what is becoming more and more apparent, is division. Division of culture, of race, of belief, of the...



Another week, another infinite realm of possibilities and dreams unfolding. I had a really interesting conversation with someone the other was fuelled by a little inspiration juice (bio-dynamic wine if you must know) and it went a little like this... - It...

November…no way?!

November…no way?!

I know you've probably heard this a million times already...but where on earth has 2016 gone??? It feels only a few weeks ago we were welcoming the arrival of the new year, and now it's almost time to wish it farewell. This, my friends, simply proves the point of...

Hello Humans…

Hello Humans…

Hello Humans, Chloe said that this weeks' email should come from I am wise and know things that humans just don't...because you are stupid. She said I can share 5 facts with you that should "nourish your spirit" and "bring a smile to your face". She said they...

13 + 15 =