I’ve written this grounding and calming meditation for you to try. Guided meditation and mindful breathwork can restore calm, ease stress, and combat seasonal affective disorder (SAD). This simple, grounding practice will help you reconnect with yourself and feel rooted, no matter how cold or dark the days get.
Step 1: Set Up Your Meditation Space
Take a comfortable seated position in a private space with your spine straight, head over your heart, heart over your hips, hips heavy. You can be in a chair or on the ground so long as you are comfortable.
Step 2: Get Centred
Close your eyes and just take a few moments to settle into your inner environment. There might be external sounds and that’s ok. Acknowledge things don’t need to be perfect for this practise to be effective.
Take a few deep breaths. In through the nose and out through the nose. Like you are enjoying a beautiful aroma on the inhale that you hope will last a long time, and on the exhale like you are enjoying the freedom and space that comes with the out-breath. Do this for a few minutes.
Step 3: Visualize Your Root Chakra (Muladhara)
Now become aware of your root chakra, Muladhara, located at the base of the spine near to the perineum. Imagine that extending down into the ground beneath you and penetrating the earth are roots like that from a grand oak tree. They reach deep down and far out.
Step 4: Connect with Nature’s Strength
With your inhale imagine nourishing energy is being drawn up from these roots and moves up your spine up into your lungs. Imagine as you exhale this nourishing energy continues it’s upward journey through your neck and head where it reaches up into great flourishing branches above and around you. Repeat this for several breaths until you feel nourished and restored.
Step 5: Close Your Practice with Gratitude
Acknowledge that just like the grand oak tree, you have the deep rooted strength and wisdom to weather any storm. Just like the oak tree doesn’t need to go anywhere, acknowledge that everything you need you already have.
Take a moment to give thanks to the wisdom passed to us from ancient Yogic traditions and from nature. Then open your eyes and slowly return to your day.
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