Lately I’ve found I really struggle with goal setting.
And that’s not because I don’t have things I would like to achieve, or because I already feel like I’ve done it all (far from it!)….but it’s almost as though I’m asking myself to put limits on what I want to achieve, by stating them in black and white.
Ridiculous, I know. So this week, I’m making a plan to set some short term goals to help me overcome my fear. Let’s face it, once a goal has been reached, you simply set yourself a new one (once you’ve enjoyed getting to where you want to be of course!)
So I’m going to share with you how I plan to goal set…because you never know…it might be something you will benefit from too…or you may have some words of wisdom for me 🙂
Firstly, I’m going to consider all corners of my life and ask myself how I’d like to see that part of my world evolve over the next three months. Three months isn’t that long, I know, but I’m hoping this bite-sized window will help me overcome my fear of goal setting. From there, who knows??? A longer term goal could be on the horizon…a little self confidence and vision thrown into the mix and I’ll be ready to go get ’em!
I will consider my work, finances, continued learning, personal meditation and yoga practise, health and body image, and public service. But depending on your circumstances, you could pick many other aspects of your life too.
Then I’m going to put said vision into a SMART sentence.
If you haven’t heard of SMART before, here’s the low-down – it is a way of ensuring you attain your aspirations and means your target should be:
S – specific
M – measurable
A – achievable
R – realistic/relevant
T – time frame
So, for example:
Personal Relationships
I am going to arrange more quality time for just Matt and I to take part in enjoyable things together once a month.
(FYI I think the first one is going to be a spa day – eeeeeeeek! This goal setting thing is looking up!)
Setting goals like this is much like setting an intention at the start of your yoga practise…so I’m hoping that by doing this my yoga practise will naturally evolve too.
So, what do you think? Have you had good, bad, or even indifferent experiences in goal setting? Do you think it’s a worthwhile endeavour? Has this post encouraged you to set some goals?
I thoroughly look forward to hearing your thoughts, and wishing you all a week filled with love!
Chloe xx